
Circolo Degli Illuminati – Contrasto #3 w/ Varg + Chevel (live) – Sabato 15 Dicembre 2018

sabato 15 Dicembre 2018

21:00 fino alle ore 2:00

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Dettagli e Programma

contrasto è una nuova rassegna musicale che si svolge al Circolo Degli Illuminati, una serie di concerti e live performance che circa una volta al mese aprono le notti del sabato di Minù, dalle 22:00 all'1:00. Info complete rassegna: Contrasto w/ Andy Stott, Egyptian Lover, Dj Maseo, Varg + Chevel CONTRASTO è il punto e il momento in cui due forze opposte entrano in contatto tra loro scontrandosi, con l’inevitabile risultato di comunicare e influenzarsi reciprocamente. Un contenitore di tutto ciò che va oltre una linea già tracciata, un viaggio attraverso culture e generi musicali diversi, un luogo d’incontro per menti curiose. CONTRASTO è un'esperienza diversa: il club dove si è abituati a trascorrere il tempo fino alle prime luci dell'alba è ora il perfetto habitat per assistere a una performance live di qualità già prima della mezzanotte. Varg (Semantica Records) + CHEVEL (Different Circles / Stroboscopic Artefacts) entrambi Live – 22:00>00:00 a seguire Minù presents Lowris, Varg + Chevel gli altri eventi di CONTRASTO 27 ottobre Contrasto #1 w/ Egyptian Lover 10 novembre Contrasto #2 w/ Dj Maseo (De La Soul) 26 gennaio Contrasto #4 w/ Andy Stott VARG Under the moniker of Varg, Jonas Rönnberg runs a cunning operation. Covert transmissions, alongside penetrating statements from techno's core, are stacked adjacent to self-assertive live performances with an agility and depth of focus rarely summoned so instinctively. With a still-rising presence, Rönnberg makes sense of the decadent overdose privy to underground musics at this time. And producing work on his own prolific schedule, his barely-controlled chaos isn't stopping to check that you've noticed. Tempering a caustic rhythmic sensibility with a pneumatic palette for high definition synthesis, Rönnberg's unique embrace of risk tests the reliability of the forms he works in as well as the genre borders he surveys. His crucial techno releases on Semantica Records are a beacon amongst his engulfing ambient side projects such as D.Å.R.F.D.H.S., not to mention the persistent after-image of his black metal roots. Presiding over Stockholm's Northern Electronics label with Anthony Linell / Abdulla Rashim, Rönnberg casts a cryptic shadow from the North over contemporary aesthetic platforms in club musics as well as the long arc of experimental music practices. The latter is best understood in terms of the collaborative pact with Copenhagen's Posh Isolation, which has most notably given rise to Body Sculptures, a group that brings Rönnberg together with Loke Rahbek, Puce Mary, and other unique voices in European electronic music today. It takes a vandal's logic of intuition to make this work, let alone make it this thrilling. But if you can break into the penthouse, you may as well stay and coerce the havoc with a bottle of someone else’s champagne in hand. And, yes, you should be suspicious of what you know you haven't seen-it's obviously intimidating. CHEVEL Chevel is the main pseudonym of Dario Tronchin, an Italian techno DJ, label owner and producer whose works range from hypnotic, minimalist floor-fillers to glitchy, intricately programmed experiments. Hailing originally from Treviso, Italy, Tronchin moved to Berlin in 2008 where he spent a two years of his lifetime during which his sound changed drastically. After this formative period and music released on Stroboscopic Artefacts, Vae Victis and Non Series, Tronchin launched his own label Enklav, formed by a group of like-minded musicians and home for futuristic sound experiments – meanwhile DJing and performing live in clubs and festivals such as Berghain, Concrete, Village Underground, De School, Nuits Sonores and roBOt, among others. Chevel’s highest-profile release to date came in late 2015 with the Blurse LP on Stroboscopic Artefacts, which featured more of a click’n’cuts sound reminiscent of labels like Raster-Noton or Mille Plateaux and got the attention of international press like The Wire, ResidentAdvisor and Pitchfork, to name a few, with the latest describing Tronchin as “a young producer not just making techno but taking it apart, rearranging it, breaking it.” In early 2018 Tronchin is going to release his fourth studio album on the London-based label Different Circles where he’ll show his own take on the distinctive “weightless” sound, coming from a techno and house angle. #CONTRASTO #FaceTheSound #facciaAfacciaColSuono _______________________________________________________________ ? Circolo degli Illuminati [Roma – Via Giuseppe Libetta 1] ✏️ Info: info@circolodegliilluminati.it ? +39 392 8396026 ⚠️ Il locale si riserva il diritto di selezione. [+23]

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Via Giuseppe Libetta 1, 00154 Roma

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